Sunday, 31 March 2013

Leave if you can

 "Why do you want to take a picture of me? I am old and unphotogenic. You should take pictures of young people."
"I don't care about age and appearance. It's about a person, an individual.
Maybe you have something you would like to share with others?"
"Yes. Leave this place until you can. It ain't get better. "

Saturday, 30 March 2013


Armenians I met on the streets. These eyes were so miraculous that I couldn't resist to take a picture. 

Friday, 29 March 2013

try pancakes with almond milk

"You should definitely try pancakes with almond milk, it's the best! And don't forget to smile because the world smiles back!"

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

"Do whatever you want"

"Excuse me, do you mind if I take a picture of you?"
"Do whatever you want."

The mountains

"I´m an artist and I just came back from the mountains in France. I was visiting my girlfriend."   

These are the mountains he drew.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

God is a She

"God is a She and I love her from the buttom of my heart."

Monday, 25 March 2013

What would you change?

"What would you change in your past if you could?"
"I would definitely be much more hippie."

Naljakas juhus oli see, et minuga oli parajasti mu sõbranna Emma kaasas. Emma klaver seisab Vildes esimesel korrusel ning saime teada, et ka selle mehe klaver asub Vildes, ainult et teisel korrusel.

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Don't be afraid to stand out

This guy is an artist and he started talking to me with this sentence : 
“Every situation has its energy and if situation changes, energy changes."
We kept on talking and he told me:
" Don't be afraid to stand out. Do whatever you want, no matter what they say. Be whatever you want to be, because no one else is going to live your life but you.”

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

in reality of zebras and camels

I was in a bus with my friend Anna, when this man just started talking to us.
In this dialog Anna is responding the questions he asked. 

„Excuse me, do you have any donkey? Or maybe zebra, you know this white-black striped thing?“     
„Sorry, don´t have any.“
„Okay, no problem. But maybe you have a camel? I´m building a zoo and I need one!“
„Oh, I don´t have any, I have a panda instead.“
„A panda? Is it male or female?“
„I hope it isn´t homosexual. I have a female, so they can have babies. You know what, I have an odd question for you. Will you marry me?“
„Not right now, sorry.“
„How old are you?“
„I am a bit older.... maybe  10 days later it will be easier to get married. I have asked already 5 people today if they have a camel. I´m asking everyone for a camel, in ten days I´m sure I will have found one - someone has to have it. Afterwards, we can get married and our honeymoon will be on a camel.“

Monday, 18 March 2013

Have you ever wondered why someone looks sad?

"What is your greatest wish?"
“Well, I have many wishes, but nothing ever comes true.”
“But if something could come true?"
“I miss the old times, when almost everyone had money and food. I wish that politicians did finally something for people, not for themselves. ”

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Bright smile

 This woman had such a big smile, that I had to stop her and take a picture. Sometimes a sweet smile can be enough to brighten up your day.

Friday, 15 March 2013

What keeps you alive?

"Good memories keep me alive."

I was walking in the city centre and I finally took the courage to take a photo of a stranger. I noticed this man immediately, because he was the only one who , instead of hurrying, was sitting quietly on a chair. His life has been quite difficult – his wife and daughter both died from cancer. Many people have wondered why he is still smiling and on his feet after that kind of tragedy. Unbelievably, he has survived an accident, where the car turned around 3 times. In addition, 5 bombs were put on his street and the bomb below his place was the only one which didn’t explode. He believes that God has saved his life various times. He told me that good memories keep him alive and he hopes to live till 104 years.