Tuesday, 18 June 2013


"Hunger is like Australia - hot and dry."

Seen in London

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

human race

"There is only one race in the world and it's human race. And there are only two people - women and men. That is why we need peace."

Seen in London

Monday, 10 June 2013


I spotted a man with eye-catching tattoos. I was with a friend and we started talking to him. He works at Tartoo-Tattoo. He said he has had many weird people approaching him with bizarre tattoo requests.
"Once a man wanted to admit and express his love to a woman by tattooing her name on his butt. And now I wonder if the girl was impressed and it really worked or not."

Ps. He didn't want to be on the picture alone, so he called my friend Anna to join him.
If you are interested in having some new tattoos check out here!

Saturday, 1 June 2013

1st June - Children's day

"We are going to take care of this city."

Ps. These children were so happy that I took their picture and they gave me afterwards even candies :).

It's 1st June - International Chlidren's Day. Today the town was full of little and happy faces, soon you will see more photos of adorable kids.